  • Features - Session Manager Book

    The InfoPlus Session Manager Book puts together all of the bits of information needed to present a complete picture of your Session Manager programming:

    • Complete definition of IP ranges
    • Calculated Audio Bandwidth Settings
    • Lists of Entities per location
    • Diagram of the SIP network
    • Explanation of CDR & Entity Monitoring
    • Routing Policy lists per Entity
    • Explanation of Adaptation parameters
    • Formatting/explanation of Digit Conversion Rules
    • Lists of Entities that use each Adaptation
    • Simplified explanation of Time Ranges
    • Graphical depiction of Time Ranges
    • Global list of used Costing Ranks
    • Formatted Dial Patterns for easy recognition
    • Graphical depiction of Routing Policy Costs
    • Identification of geographic areas associated with given Area Codes

    Easy Accessibility

    InfoPlus’ Session Manager Book is available either as a one-time snap-shot, or as a subscription, allowing periodic system verification for ongoing effective enterprise-wide Network Routing. A Session Manager file (aka Network Routing Policy file) may be sent to us (the Resources/Downloads/Other section of this web site has step-by-step instructions for obtaining this file) or we can collect the data remotely. In either case, we can usually provide the custom-generated “book” within 48 hours of data collection.

    What do some early users say about the InfoPlus Session Manager Book?

    “My compliments on the entire package of InfoPlus reports, they represent a comprehensive package of reports that can be used the same way Google
    Maps is used in everyday life – to clearly and easily indicate where you’re  
    going and what you’ve done.”

    “One has to realize that the configuration windows available on the Avaya Aura management desktop do not give you much ability to ‘see’ what you have done. Your reports make the result of a configuration set of activities much more clear.”

  • Download a Sample of the InfoPlus Session Manger Book Here: